Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychoactive drug in the world and is legal and unrestricted in every part of the globe. Caffeine occurs naturally in over 60 different species of plants worldwide, including coffee beans.
You’ve probably experienced caffeine in Coffee and Coke, and caffeine certainly works as an effective way to help you wake up in the morning or as an afternoon pick me up. Coffee and Coke both work well as practical ways of enjoying caffeine. You may enjoy an ice olf can or bottle of Coke on a hot summer’s day, whereas a piping hot cup of joe can be perfect on a crisp winter day.
Two of the questions that spring to mind are how much caffeine is there in Coke and coffee? And which drink contains more? In this article, we’ll take a look at both drinks and see what the caffeine content is in both.
How Much Caffeine Is In Coffee?
Many different factors affect how much caffeine is in a cup of coffee. The type of bean, t, the length of time the beans are roasted, the type of coffee, and the serving size all contribute to the amount of caffeine in coffee. An average size cup of coffee (8 Oz) contains between 70-140 mg of caffeine, generally around 95 mg on average.
It’s recommended that you don’t consume more than 400 mg of caffeine a day. This can vary depending on how sensitive you are to caffeine. It’s worthwhile considering how sensitive you are to caffeine if you don’t know already. So, if you’re drinking more than 4 or 5 average-sized cups of coffee a day, then you may want to consider cutting down your consumption.
An easy way to get a boost in the morning if you don’t want to drink a whole cup of coffee is to drink an Espresso. Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water, or steam, through finely-ground coffee beans. One shot of Espresso is about 30-50 ml and contains about 63 mg of caffeine.
How Much Caffeine Is In Coke?
Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable drinks in the world. It’s widely consumed in many countries across the globe. Coffee accounts for most of the caffeine consumed in the world, but carbonated drinks such as Coke also make up a large portion of caffeine intake, particularly among those who are younger than 18.
The amount of caffeine in Coke will depend on the size of can or bottle you buy. A 222-ml can contains 21 mg of caffeine, a 355 ml can of Coke contains 32 mg of caffeine, and a 591-ml bottle contains 53 mg of caffeine.
You should limit your consumption of Coke or other carbonated drinks as they have been linked to many different health problems. Carbonated beverages, especially Coke, are high in sugar, so make sure not to drink them too often.
Once again, the general rule of thumb applies to caffeine; If you enjoy it in moderation, then you can enjoy the many benefits that caffeine can bring. Always speak to a medical professional for clear advice.
Caffeine In Coke Vs. Coffee – Conclusion
Coffee contains more caffeine than Coke. If you look at the average 8 Oz cup of coffee, then it contains 95 mg on average. A 7.7 Oz (222 ml) can of Coke contains 21 mg of caffeine. You’re more likely to be drinking more coffee than Coke, so the majority of your caffeine consumption will likely be though the coffee you drink.
Watch out for consuming too much caffeine; if you begin to feel the jitters or an inability to focus after drinking coffee or Coke, then it may mean that you are sensitive to caffeine. The most important thing is to find out is how sensitive to caffeine you are. You may enjoy just a couple of cups of coffee per day and enjoy the many benefits that caffeine brings.
Some people are hypersensitive to caffeine, and even a small amount can give them the jitters, others enjoy a regular amount of caffeine and are fine, and a select few people can consume large amounts and not have any adverse side effects.
If you enjoy Coke or coffee in moderation, then you shouldn’t have any problems, there’s plenty of information online about how much caffeine you should drink, but the best thing to do if you are uncertain is to contact a medical professional. If you are sensitive to caffeine, then you can always look at switching over to decaf coffee.
This article should have given you a good introduction into how much caffeine is in some of your favorite drinks, and provided you enough information to make an informed decision of how much coffee or Coke to enjoy!
Hi my name is Larry, a coffee aficionado from the US. I have already visited Colombia, Sumatra, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ethiopia and Jamaica in my pursuit of finding the best-tasting coffee beans. I currently write from Bali and enjoy the relaxed life that you can only find in Canggu. Welcome to my coffee world!